Life Healthcare position statement on National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill in South Africa
Life Healthcare is in the business of providing quality healthcare to people. The NHI will open up access to healthcare to segments of the market we haven’t served before and we’re excited about the opportunity this presents.
Serving a much larger population will demand greater innovation, and we see the NHI as a source of business growth for our South African business. It is therefore a business imperative to continue to engage constructively with government. We are already doing this with governments in our UK and European businesses where the private sector remains a significant part of the healthcare ecosystem, and we are committed to making it work in South Africa as well.
- Life Healthcare supports the objectives of NHI, which aims to improve access to affordable, comprehensive, quality healthcare services irrespective of socio-economic status for all South Africans.
- This reform is the single most difficult undertaking by government and should not fall on the shoulders of the government alone. Instead, stakeholders across both the public and private sectors should work together.
- We are concerned with the concentration and operational risk that a single-payer system poses.
- To achieve the objectives of the NHI Bill, implementation must be based on achievement of concrete milestones.
- To accelerate implementation of Universal Healthcare Coverage, government should use existing private sector capacity and capability.
- Life Healthcare wants to partner with government as the country transitions towards Universal Healthcare Coverage.
Click here to view Life Healthcare’s NHI Bill presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Health:
Click here to view Life Healthcare’s NHI Bill presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Health: