Here are a few useful online resources for acute physical rehabilitation support and advice.
Local support:
QuadPara Association of South Africa
Headway Gauteng: assisting people with brain injury and their families
SA Institute for Sensory Integration
Panda SA (Paediatric Neurology and Development Association of Southern Africa)
Stroke Aid Society
OTASA (Occupational Therapy Association of SA)
SA Society of Physiotherapy
SA Speech-Language-Hearing Association
SA Orthopaedic Association
Southern African Spinal Cord Association
SA Clinical Neuropsychological Association
SA Neurodevelopmental Therapy Association
CE Mobility: wheelchair and seating specialists
Did you know?
You can find the COID (Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases) Act here
International support:
International Spinal Cord Society
United Spinal Association (USA)
Stroke Association UK
National Stroke Association USA
American Spinal Injury Association
Spinal Life Australia
Paralysed Veterans of America
SCI Info Pages: Quadriplegic, Paraplegic and Caregiver Resources
Medical resources:
Health Systems Trust: South African public health systems
HPCSA (Health Professions Council of SA)
SA Medical Research Council
SA Medical Association
World Health Organisation
World Confederation for Physical Therapy