We provide a wide range of pharmacy services to ensure you get the care you need in our hospitals.
Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS)
Life Healthcare pharmacists play a key role in leading AMS programmes in our hospitals. Antimicrobials are life-saving medications that are used to treat infections caused by micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.
The overuse of antimicrobials over the past few decades (combined with the natural evolution of micro-organisms to find ways to become resistant to our available antimicrobials), has made resistance one of the biggest threats to global health today.
Antimicrobial stewardship programmes are important to ensure the appropriate use of antimicrobials, including antibiotics, in order to optimise the treatment of infections, reduce adverse events and reduce the rate at which micro-organisms are developing resistance to our existing antimicrobials.
Clinical pharmacy services
Clinical pharmacy is a specialised function performed by pharmacists within a hospital environment. Our clinical pharmacy team focuses on evaluating patient medication treatment. This helps to ensure that each patient receives the most appropriate evidence based treatment to achieve the best possible clinical outcomes.
Medication safety
Our quality pharmaceutical service emphasises the safe and effective use of medication. As allied health professionals, we play a pivotal role in the holistic care of our patients. Life Healthcare pharmacists are Seven-Star Pharmacists.
Ward services
Our dedicated pharmacy team works closely with other healthcare professionals to procure and supply them with quality cost-effective pharmaceutical and surgical products for use in our wards and theatres. To optimise the care you receive in our hospitals, our pharmacy teams work hard to ensure the uninterrupted supply of products.