Our environmental management system
- We have environmental management certification against ISO 14001:2015 and focus mainly on climate change reporting. We have submitted CDP climate change reports since 2013, and in 2017 also completed the water disclosure questionnaire based on the 2016 FY figures.
- The JSE uses these reports for the evaluation of company performance, based on the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Index Series, together with other information sources, such as the Life Healthcare Integrated Annual Report.
- Internally, environmental sustainability reporting started with the major aspects of electricity and water. We set long-term targets to reduce usage by 10% for each aspect over five years, and we managed to achieve and exceed these targets year on year. New targets are going to be set from 2017 onwards.
Environmental assurance
- The Green House is an environmental sustainability consulting firm with more than 30 years of collective experience in a range of energy, climate change and sustainability-related projects.
- They provided assurance on the data reported on in our CDP climate change response 2017, and in our CDP water response 2017.
- The Green House used the DEFRA Voluntary Reporting Guidelines to evaluate our performance information and adherence.
The conclusion?
Life Healthcare adheres to the three AA1000 AccountAbility Principles:
- Inclusivity
- Materiality
- Responsiveness